Summer Hacks to Cool Down Your Hot Jaguar

May 31st, 2024 by

Entering a vehicle that has been parked in direct sunlight for hours is never enjoyable on a scorching day. You risk burning yourself on seat belt buckles, steering wheels, gear shifts, and scorching seats. Even if you avoid burns, you’ll still be sweating while waiting for the AC to cool down the car. These tips…

5 Best Easter Egg Hunt Ideas

March 31st, 2024 by

Happy Easter from all of us at Jaguar Naperville! Easter Sunday has arrived, and everyone knows that the Easter egg hunt is the highlight of this holiday. But are you looking to make this year’s Easter egg hunt unique and fun? We’ve put together a list of fresh and egg-citing Easter egg hunt ideas to…

Halloween Safety Tips for Jaguar Drivers and Trick-or-Treaters

October 31st, 2023 by

The spookiest day of the year is upon us; ghosts, witches, superheroes, and monsters will be wandering our neighborhoods looking for candy and treats! Tips for Drivers There will be more pedestrians out on the road, many distractions to pull your focus away, and opportunities for accidents. It’s important to know the tricks to driving…

Staycation: Naperville Day Trips to Take in Your Jaguar During Spring Break

March 15th, 2023 by

After a long, cold winter, spring can’t come soon enough! With Spring Break just around the corner, you don’t have to go far to get away. A staycation can be just as fun.  Whether you live in Naperville, Illinois or you’re just coming to the area to get away, there are lots of ways to…


December 6th, 2018 by

There’s something nice about simply enjoying the warmth of your home and the company of family in the winter, but it’s nice to have a plan or three in your back pocket if the kids get restless. Jaguar of Naperville is here with some of our favorite winter activities in Chicagoland so you can plan…

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Jaguar Naperville 41.7735786, -88.1865789.